A Major obstacle that prevents the blogger from getting started is that his mindset is mainly focused on making money in conjunction with the excitement and anxiety which become a critical factor in distorting the mind.
This state and frame of mind is not negative, it is just encumbered with the various factors that will be incorporated into the blogging process. This state of mind is the cross and juncture of the blogger's mind contemplating how and where to get started.
Getting started requires you to settle down, make a list of the activities you need to get done, sorting them out, and list them in priority of activity. Then place these activities into perspective. This stage is called the planning stage where you start to simplify things which allow you the ability to begin to articulate your ideas and insights (It is called first things first).
At this point, you will begin to see your thoughts and ideas starting to shape into reality, which will help to relieve the mindset of the fragmented activities in arrays.
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