Monday, January 24, 2011

Activate The Power Of The Blogger's Mindset to Stay Focused and Create Quality Content For Your Blog

Establish a Positive Frame of Mind to Excel

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Starting a blog with the intention to generate either money, or to attract a wide audience of social net workers, requires quality content that provides value to fill the desired need, and as a result will get people's attention. In essence content that are of interest, and provides some useful information and satisfaction that will affect and cause them to bookmark your blog or website. Your subscribers and visitors will always re-visit your blog with an expectation to glean new information.

I cannot adequately or over emphasize the fact that consistency is the key factor in developing a successful blog. Therefore, it is "imperative and of paramount importance" to develop a good writing skill to achieve this outcome. However, a lot of people abandon their passion based on the fact that they cannot write effectively to impact their readers.

A great program to add to your collection that will enhance your personal development is the "Jim Rohn ONE-YEAR SUCCESS PLAN - Reach Your 2011 Goals. I found it to be very effective and highly recommend it.

However, you do not have to quit or give up your dreams or passion, because there are ways and means to overcome this obstacle which I will hasten to further expand on in this article.

Basically, I discovered that good writing skill are most times not innate or natural, as a result, you can use the "power of personal development" to achieve and develop your personal, effective, writing skill.

My Personal Confession and Testimonial

I must admit and can testify that I was not a great writer, but the facts are, I recognized it, and did something about it. Here is what I did, I went on a search journey to find me a "Personal Development Program" that could enhance my writing skills by listening to Highly Successful People who already invented the wheels and set the pace with their experience.

I learned from them and gradually immerse and permeate myself into their programs. I highly adore and honor these Motivating mentors who have invested a piece of themselves into my character and mindset. One of my favorites who had been a great source of inspiration to me is Mr. Jim Rohn, a man considered to be America's foremost business philosopher who I mentioned in my article below.

Personal development is vital to your Success (Self-Investment)

Set aside the time to develop yourself so that you will be able to supply the content and information people are searching for and then be ready to provide and supply it. If you search you must find. One old writer states that "finding is reserved for the searchers

Let me iterate by stating that the mind is the most powerful organ or mechanism of the whole human makeup and design, because the entire human being is driven by the dynamics of the mind which is the driving force that compels you to move and get things done. It is the engine that you start and set in motion to get the job or task done.

How I Accomplish tasks by Getting Things Done!

First I brought myself to that point or place of recognition, in other words, a place where I acknowledge the facts and present situation that affects me either adversely, or favorably in order to make changes, and take corrective measure to implement them.

Recognition of Living in Denial and then Abandon It

One of the most detrimental factors that can retard your progress from getting things done and moving forward is denial. It is your greatest enemy and only you can dispel it based on the fact that it affects you directly.

If you continue to do the same thing over-and-over you will continue to get the same result. The point is, people do not resist change, people just do not want to change. It is called the vicious cycle. Here is my recommendation, "for things-to-change, you have to change, "for things-to-get better, you have to get better.


  1. Your comment and feedback are a very vital aspect of our success!

  2. Success does breed success. Quite informative.

  3. Thank you Sixthirtythree, You are correct! It's a know fact that success is not something that is pursued, it is something that you attract, by becoming an attractive person.

  4. You have a good site on blogging tips. Try to update regularly

  5. Hi Ahsan,

    Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it! I will certainly be updating on a more consistent basis. Please visit again!
